I just finished reading a new report by Walter M. Prorok. and Chris Vendilli.
The Twitter Report
I am a Twitter user, I think that I know a lot about Web 2.0 Applications including Twitter, but after reading through the whole report and watching a couple of the videos available at their website I must say, I'm impressed and I learn a lot more then I expected.
They have been silently attracting visitors to their sites using Twitter, and they have created a step by itty bitty step guide so that anyone can replicate their ideas and procedures.
I have to recognise that, with "The Twitter Report" and the videos that follow, they really created a procedure at it's finest.
Walt & Chris have uncovered every detail for setting up your Twitter account to give you maximum return, while keeping everything on auto-pilot as much as possible.
I know, you use trial and error method in the past, but why waste time, energy, and money trying to figure it all out on your own when you could just see how it all worked out for them and simply follow their suggestions that are already proven to work successfully?
After reading the report and watching some of the videos I give TwitterHints.com two enthusiastic thumbs up, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to stay on the cutting edge of this new wave of communications via social Networking.
You'll learn:
- How to configure your settings
- Which 3rd party sites to join, and
- How to set them up to run campaigns automatically
- and much more
I'm sure you'll enjoy "The Twitter Report" as much as I did, check it out here:
All the best
1 comment:
Cool! Never thought that this is possible with twitter. Thanks for posting, your blog is really informative. Really helpful especially now that it is a social networking age.
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